Weekdays from 6:00am to 8:00pm at 613 Fitness starting Jun 3, 2013
Saturdays from 9:00am to 2:00pm at 613 Fitness starting Jun 8, 2013
Our signature program here at 613 Fitness! The purpose is simple; create well-rounded fitness, in a fun, inclusive, and encouraging atmosphere. Whether you are new to exercise, or a seasoned weekend warrior or athlete, these engaging one-hour classes will help you move towards your fitness goals. Using our patented Move By Design Training Program, our expert coaches will guide you from start to finish, and ensure you are moving at a pace that is right for you.
Our signature program here at 613 Fitness! The purpose is simple; create well-rounded fitness, in a fun, inclusive, and encouraging atmosphere. Whether you are new to exercise, or a seasoned weekend warrior or athlete, these engaging one-hour classes will help you move towards your fitness goals. Using our patented Move By Design Training Program, our expert coaches will guide you from start to finish, and ensure you are moving at a pace that is right for you.
We believe whether in-season or off, it is essential for an athlete to develop his/her mobility, strength, speed and conditioning if they want to express their true athletic potential.
Do you have trouble performing basic movements because you lack flexibility or range of motion in your joints? Are you or your technique suffering because you cannot get into the ideal position? Are these problems holding back your performance? Are you constantly dealing with nagging little injuries as a result?
"Mobility 101" will teach you how to increase your active range of motion so you can comfortably get into those positions, increase your performance and reduce your risk of injury.
With mobility comes freedom!
Freedom to move comfortably and without pain. Freedom to explore movement and have more fun with your training!
With workouts that are scalable for all individuals, our 613 Teens program (10-17 years) can benefit both the accomplished athlete as well as the less active individual. If your teenager is already an athlete, our program is designed to take them to the next level. If your teen is not an athlete, our program is guaranteed to help them establish healthy lifestyle habits. Our primary goals are to convey the notion that fitness can be fun, and to help these teens develop a positive self-image.
613 Kids & Teens From CAD$17 per visit with Kids Spring Program pass No purchase required to enroll
613 Engine No purchase required to enroll
613 Fit Family Free No purchase required to enroll
613 Summer Throwdown No purchase required to enroll
613 Spring Mash-Up No purchase required to enroll
613 Hockey No purchase required to enroll
Our OnRamp program is a 6-session intensive course designed to help newbies build their general fitness base, work on their mobility and gain familiarity with the movements so that they can enjoy regular classes safely and effectively. Even if you think you have perfect form on your squats, deadlifts and/or overhead presses, it’s amazing what can be fixed when you have a trained set of eyes watching you do them. Your coach will tailor workouts specifically for your current fitness level and progress you at the proper pace. Following OnRamp you may then choose to continue with private 1-on-1 training or progress into our regular 613 classes. The 613 OnRamp Program includes a 1-month Unlimited membership.
No Sweat Intro Free No purchase required to enroll
We look forward to meeting you!
613 Fall Games & Chili Cook-Off No purchase required to enroll
613 Check-In Free Plans available from CAD$37 No purchase required to enroll